


姓名   张立柱





学习经历:1992.9-1996.7   吉林大学数学系本科

                    1996.9-2003.4  北京大学力学系硕士,博士

                    2012.2-2013.2  纽约城市学院土木工程系, 访问学者

工作经历:2003.4-2005.4  上海交通大学船建学院, 博士后

                    2005.4-           上海财经大学数学学院, 教师

获奖情况:2009年上海财经大学校先进工作者; 2014年上海财经大学我心目中的好老师

主讲课程:高等数学, 数学分析, 微分方程数值解

研究方向:数学分析, 图像处理, 计算流体力学

科研项目1. 基于偏微分方程数值解的图像解噪与图像修复研究;

                    2. 数学分析若干问题研究


1. L. Z. Zhang, H. S. Tang, J. P. -Y. Maa and G. Q. Chen, Exact Solutions and Analysis for aClass of Extended Stokes’ Problems, Discontinuity,Nonlinearity, and Complexity, 2(1):85-102, 2013.

2. H. S. Tang, L. Z. Zhang, J. P. –Y. Maa, H. Li, C. B. Jiang and R.Hussain, Fluid Driven by Tangential Velocity and Shear Stress:Mathematical Analysis, Numerical Experiment, and Implication to Surface Flow, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2013: 1-12, 2013.

3. 张立柱, 级数的常规可和,Cesaro可和与Abel可和的几点讨论,纯粹数学与应用数学,29(6):565-671,2013.

4.张立柱, 收敛无穷限广义积分被积函数在无穷远处性质,纯粹数学与应用数学,28(3):303-307,2012.

5.L. Z. Zhang, L. Zeng, B.Zhang, Z. Li and Z. L. Luo, Numerical Study on Head Advancement of Axisymmetric GravityCurrents, Communications in Nonlinear Scienceand Numerical Simulation,15:1893-1898, 2010.

6.G. Q. Chen, L. Z. Zhang and J. H. W. Lee, Turbulence Modelling of A Lock-ReleaseOil Slick, China Ocean Engineering,20(1):123-132, 2006.

7. L. Z. Zhang, G. Q. Chen and J. H. W. Lee, Numerical Solution ofLock-Release Gravity Current with Viscous Self-Similar Regime, China Ocean Engineering, 18(1):157-162,2004.

8. L. Z. Zhang, Y. R. An, Z. Li and G. Q.Chen, Numerical Anatomy of Lock-Release Gravity Current, Communications in Nonlinear Science and NumericalSimulation,6(4):183-192, 2001.